Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Give way to the blog's second Giveaway! [until June 29th]

Not before time! Another giveaway at last! This time it is not one card that I would like to offer, not two, but three cards!

In order to enter the giveaway, you need to:

- follow my blog (not compulsory)

- write a comment under that post (or on Instagram, under the Giveaway picture).

The winner will be announced on June 30th July 1st. I wish you Good luck!


  1. Hello, dear! :)))
    Happy to take a part in your giveaway this summer! :)
    Your carda are very original, I love them!
    BIG HUG and hello from Kyiv!

    Enjoy the Summer!!!!!

  2. What vivid colors and charming characters! Ira pointed me here and I'm so glad she did. :)

  3. Beautiful work! Happy to enter your giveaway! :)

  4. Oh, how beautiful it would be to have so many of your cards! I'm a serious collector of your art so I wouldn't want to miss this :) I already saw the post some days ago but for some reason I never feel comfortable to join in on giveaways, I'm not sure why. I will think about this for a bit now.

  5. really exceptional! i love your work:)

  6. The texture, the colours! Striking work!

  7. Very original and lovely! You do great work!

  8. What a lovely giveaway!!! Fingers crossed!! x

  9. Hiya Apolonia, thanks for teling me about your giveaway! So many lovely and colourful things, I'll keep my fingers crossed :D

  10. Thanks for inviting me to your giveaway! I'm so excited to be a follower now! You have wonderfully unique and beautiful work! c:

    the Confetti Monster xoxoxox

  11. Thank you for telling me about your giveaway sweet, beautiful work! i'm keeping my fingers crossed. xx

  12. I love that 'sweet' little monster! Fun work!

  13. My dear friend, I am so pleased to hear about this very generous giveaway.
    You knoe how much I love your art work.
    I keep my fingers crossed.


  14. Hello and thanks for finding me on Etsy. I'm following your shop and love the colorful creations you have listed.

  15. You're an artist who has to be recognized and famous ! You have an enormous talent, darling ! #artist #goodjob #drawing

  16. Your work is so interesting and colourful! Lovely giveaway :) x

  17. Hey j'arrive encore à temps ! J'ai décidé d'écrire en français finalement pour ne pas que tu te mettes à pleurer devant mes abominables fautes d'anglais ! Donc je profite de ce commentaire pour te dire que tes dessins sont super funs et fous et tes petites créatures adorables ! J'aimerais toutes les adopter ! I loooove ton univers ma future grande illustratrice mais je pense te l'avoir déjà dit.
    And i hope to win, love you.

    1. Oh, c'est trop mignon. #jalouse

  18. So interesting! I wanna wiN! eclairre(AT)ymail(DOT)com

  19. Hello there!

    Je crois que je suis la dernière à participer mais c'est pas grave, je tente quand même ma chance.... J'adore ce que tu fais by the way =) Tes illustrations sont superbes. Keep up the great work ;)

    Oh and enter me :D

    Malabul :p


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